Game commands
Description: Initiates a new friendly MagestiK game (can only be called from โ ๐ฒโstart-games ). A message will be sent in the channel to ask other player to join. When the host of the game chooses to lauch the game, the Bot opens a new private thread where the game will take place. Arguments: player_1 to player_8 (optionnal), if indicated the bot will launch the game with the players indicated as arguments.
Description: Initiates a new Play and Earn MagestiK game (can only be called from โ ๐ฒโstart-games ). A slow game (2 to 4 players) will start (24h max for each action) with random players that are challengeable in play and earn (STAFF set holders or MGK holder willing to put them at stake in a game) - check challengeability with /info. Enable or disable it with /info .If not enough players are available (already in game for instance, retry later, or try to draw a game with a lower number of players).
Description: Call this command when this is your turn to play. Depending on whether game is in staff selection phase or action turn phase, either:
Staff selection phase - > The Bot ask each player to call this command when this is their turn to select a Mage staff. The available staffs are displayed and the player choose the one he wants to select with a button.
Action phase -> The Bot ask each player to call this command when this is their turn to play their turn. The menu offers 3 choices: cast spell, attack or end your turn. Follow the menu and sub menus to take your actions. When you finished all your turn actions you have to select to close your turn and allow the next player to play. If you don't, the bot will wait until timeout to close your turn and call the next player.
Description: This command allows you to privately check the staff(s) you chose.
Description: This command allows you to privately see all the staff cards or a specific one if you want to check their capabilities for instance. Argument: card_number (optional). If Indicated, the card with this specific number will be shown to you instead of all cards.
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