🧙‍♂ī¸The Mage NFT collection

Ticker: MAGE-c67970 on the MultiversX Blockchain

This collection is our OG collection, it has been initially designed as gifts for the first supporters of the project, granting them early and unlimited access to the game on discord.


As friendly games are now opened to anyone, MAGE NFTs will gain utility in the future expansion of the game. This NFT will indeed be required to play to the Creaster Realm expansion: Creaster Realm expansion

FRAMEIT: https://www.frameit.gg/marketplace/MAGE-c67970

XOXNO: https://xoxno.com/collection/MAGE-c67970

KroganSwap: https://kroganswap.com/collection/MAGE-c67970

xSpotlight: https://xspotlight.com/collections/MAGE-c67970

Last updated